
22 април 2018


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Spring Session: state of emergency, hybrid war, corruption, editorial integrity

Strasbourg, 23-27 April 2018

The Foreign Ministers of "the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" Nikola Dimitrov will address the Assembly and answer questions.

As part of the progress report of its Bureau, the Assembly will have the opportunity to discuss the final report of the independent external investigation body in charge of carrying out a detailed independent inquiry into allegations of corruption and fostering of interests made against certain PACE members or former members.

It will be available on the webpage of the independent external investigation body, following the presentation of the report to the PACE Bureau on the eve of the session.

23 април 2018г.

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24 април 2018г.

Видео на речта на Министър Никола Димитров пред ПАСЕ в рамките на цялото заседание.

Линк :

Въпросът на Д-р Джема Грозданова започва на 2 : 51 час  от заседанието (в записа на видеото) в рамките на три въпроса от депутати.  

След това следва отговорът на Министър Димитров.

Линк към стенограмата на дебатите :

Джема  Грозданова пита следното :

Mr. Minister,

My question concerns the progress made on cross-border cooperation between the Republic of Macedonia and Kosovo in line with the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance, and the achieved results with regard to the fight against illegal migration across the border between the two countries.

Г-н Министър,

Моят въпрос засяга постигнатият напредък в областта на транс-граничното сътрудничество между Република Македония и Косово в светлината на Инструмента на пред-присъединителна подкрепа и постигнатите резултати по отношение на борбата с нелегалната миграция през границата между двете страни.

 Отговор на Министър Димитров

Mr DIMITROV – Thank you for the questions.

 On cross-border co-operation, I am struggling to come up with details.
I know that we are working on a new border crossing point, and that, together with Bulgaria, we have a great record of using the European funds that are available for cross-border co-operation.
We have a strong interest in our two neighbours, Pristina and Belgrade, resolving their own bilateral history, and in maintaining close and friendly relations with both.
Occasionally, our relations with one or the other suffer from their own dynamic – we do not want to be a player in this or that.
It is a workable, close relationship at a political level, but I am struggling to come up with details about cross-border co-operation, so perhaps we can send you a letter with more precise information.
      On migration, I do not think that there is an easy response. All the concerns are relevant. One is the important and complex relationship between the European Union and Turkey. It can have – it has already had – consequences for the challenge of migration. The closing of the Balkan route is also very important. Many countries have a strong interest in its remaining closed. There is also the matter of solidarity with our Greek friends. It is not an easy territory to fully control in terms of the islands and the sea. In my last 30 seconds, I cannot really offer a big vision on this. 

We have to continue to do our best and watch for our neighbours, our friends in Europe and our own interests – our people and our national boundaries. However, the problem goes well beyond national borders and the only way to really tackle it will include close international co-operation and thinking about the needs of the other. It also means thinking about the needs of refugees, especially those who flee to save their lives. We can do a better job, globally in and in Europe.

      Thank you very much for the opportunity to speak, Mr President, ladies and gentlemen.

В своята реч от трибуната Министър Димитров подкрепи предложението за свикване на Четвъртата среща на държавните глави и ръководителите на правителства на страните-членки на Съвета на Европа, лансирана от ръководителя на българската делегация д-р Джема Грозданова.

Ето какаво каза той в края на своята реч, по този въпрос :

We live in a world of global uncertainty, unpredictability and new challenges. 
Upholding the values of this organisation is all the more important in this context. Mindful of Europe’s turbulent history, today it is important to restate that we, the 47 member States of the oldest European organisation, have the duty and responsibility to uphold the high standards set out in the field of human rights, democracy and the rule of law. In reaching these goals, we protect and promote the core values of Europe and lay the foundations for a better future for the next generations, and for them to live in peace, prosperity and freedom.

      We all experience the complex old and new threats, phenomena and challenges: the rise of populism and xenophobia, massive waves of migration and refugees, fake news, terrorism and financial difficulties. These are extremely serious issues that go beyond national borders and, as such, require a joint response. We have a duty to unite, organise ourselves and work hard to address these challenges, whether us as government officials at home or in the Committee of Ministers or you as members of national parliaments, working here in this Assembly and representing national parliaments. We are called to make a difference and lead our nations for a better tomorrow, and to bring forward the vision of our brave predecessors, the creators of the structure for European co-operation. 

We support the idea of organising a Council of Europe summit to reaffirm European unity, defend and promote democratic security, and enhance the efficiency and authority of the human rights protection system.

25 април 2018г.

Важна нова позиция за Ръководителя на българската делегация в ПАСЕ д-р Джема Грозданова

На днешното си заседание Комисията по наблюдение на спазването на задълженията и ангажиментите поети от страните-членки (Комисията по мониторинг) избра д-р Джема Грозданова за съ-докладчик по доклада за мониторинга на ПАСЕ над Украйна. 

Джема Грозданова беше предложена за докладчик за Украйна от Групата на Европейската Народна Партия, която единодушно взе своето решение в понеделник.  
Тя ще работи заедно с естонския депутат от либералната група Ерик-Нийлс Крос (Eerik-Niiles Kross).

26 април 2018г.

ПАСЕ  дискутира доклада за корупцията и прие Резолюция и Препоръка 

С това решение се поставя начало на процес за решаване на проблема и предотвратяване на подобни случаи в бъдеще

Линкове към приетите решения, поименното гласуване на депутатите ( вт.ч. и българските депутати) и стенограма на разискванията :

Follow-up to the report of the Independent Investigation Body on the allegations of corruption within the Parliamentary Assembly

Resolution 2216 (2018)

Vote on Resolution

Приета със 123 гласа "за", 9 - "против" и 10  -"въздържали се"

  • 123In favour
  • 9Against
  • 10

Recommendation 2128 (2018)

Vote on Recommendation 


Приета със 124 гласа - "за", 10 - "против" и 8 - "въздържали се"

  • 124In favour
  • 10Against
  • 8


Zero tolerance for corruption within PACE


 Стенограма на дебатите

(Second part)
Sixteenth sitting
Thursday 26 April 2018 at 10 a.m.


Видеозапис на дебатите (изцяло)

Video of debates (in original languages as the speeches have been delivered)

Video of debates ( in English)

Call to ‘withdraw or suspend’ those named in Council of Europe corruption report

Report says there is a ‘strong suspicion’ of corruption in the parliamentary assembly of the Council of Europe.
The president of the European People’s Party (EPP) on Tuesday called on members of the center-right group to “immediately withdraw or suspend all the politicians named” in a report about corruption in the parliamentary assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE).
In a statement, the EPP’s Joseph Daul, a French former MEP, said the group “must also do our utmost to rebuild the credibility of PACE as the guardian of human rights, democracy and a promoter of peace in Europe.”
The report, released Sunday night, investigated allegations of cash and gifts given to PACE members from Azerbaijan in return for political support. The report named parliamentary assembly members who were under “suspicion” of having violated the PACE code of conduct.
Among those named in the report are Luca Volonté, former chair of the EPP in PACE. Volonté is under investigation in Milan on “suspicion of corruption and money laundering,” according to the report. POLITICO last year reported on allegations that Volonté received around €2.4 million from Azerbaijani officials for “his support of political positions of the state” in the Council of Europe.
The report also says there is “strong suspicion” of corruption in the appointment of EPP member Pedro Agramunt, former president of the parliamentary assembly, including “support of a financial nature” from Azerbaijan.