
Европейски форум за бъдещето

29 януари 2014


                                                     Аркадио Диаз Техера
Комисията по политически въпроси и демокрация на ПАСЕ избра докладчик по проекта за препоръка към Комитета на Министрите на Съвета на Европа “Европейски Форум за бъдещето”, внесен от Лъчезар Тошев и група депутати от различни страни-членки на 22 януари 2013г.

Докладчикът е г-н Аркадио Диаз Техера от Испания.
Срокът за изготвяне на доклада и проекта за гласуване на решение от Асамблеята е24.06.2015г. 

На 24 юни 2013 г. Бюрото на Парламентарната Асамблея на Съвета на Европа, разгледа внесения от Лъчезар Тошев и други членове на ПАСЕ проект за препоръка към Комитета на министрите (представляващ правителствата на 47-те страни-членки) за създаване на Европейски Форум за бъдещето и разпредели проекта на Комисията по Политически въпроси и демокрация на Асамблеята за да изработи доклад и предложи документи за гласуване по него. Бюрото на ПАСЕ по този начин се съобрaзи с искането на самата политическа комисия, прието с гласуване на нейно заседание през април.
         С това се даде "зелена светлина" за работа по този проект!


Документ 13105/22 януари 2013


Проект за препоръка

Внесен от Г-н Лъчезар Тошев и други членове на Асамблеята

Това предложение все още не е дискутирано и ангажира само тези които са го подписали!

Парламентарната Асамблея на Съвета на Европа, отбелязвайки че :

  1. на 12 ноември 1997г. Генералната Конференция на ЮНЕСКО е приела Декларация за отговорностите на настоящите спрямо бъдещите поколения.
  2. В декларацията на Комитета на Министрите на Съвета на Европа от 7 май 1999 приета в Будапеща, правата на бъдещите поколения се разглеждат също-като важно предизвикателство за следващото хилядолетие.
  3. Като знак на политическа воля, много държави създадоха техни национални комисии за бъдещето занимаващи се с дългосрочни политики в различни сфери като икономическото развитие, устойчивото използване на ресурсите, възобновяемата енергия, мерки за омекотяване на промените в климата, за водните ресурси, образованието в демократично гражданство, състоянието на нацията и младежките политики, качеството на живота, новите технологии и пр.
  4. Представителите на държавните институции, учени, футуролози, неправителствени организации, университетски преподаватели, политици, частния сектор, медиите, асоциации на работници и на работодатели, вероизповедания и др.са поканени да участват в такива форуми и да бъдат включени във взаимодействието по тези въпроси.
  5. Би било от интерес за Съвета на Европа да организира такъв форум за бъдещето, където да бъдат дискутирани въпроси от общ интерес за европейските граждани като демокрация, европейската идентичност и ценности, ролята на Обединена Европа в света, икономика, външни отношения, защита на човешките права, промените в климата, използването на ресурсите и т.н.
    Това може да стане генератор на нови идеи със широка подкрепа и свеж устрем за нови политики не само за Европа, но и за света.

Асамблеята призовава Комитета на Министрите и страните-членки на Съвета на Европа за подкрепят учредаването на такъв Европейски Форум за бъдещето.

Подписали :

Лъчезар Тошев, България, ЕНП/ХД
Давид Бакрадзе, Грузия, ЕНП/ХД
Борис Чилевич, Латвия, СОЦ
Майкъл Конарти, Обединено Кралство, СОЦ
Ренато Фарина, Италия, ЕНП/ХД
Ханс Франкен, Нидерландия, ЕНП/ХД
Жан-Шарл Гардето, Монако, ЕНП/ХД
Андреас Грос, Швейцария, СОЦ
Андрес Херкел, Естония, ЕНП/ХД
Андрей Хунко, Германия, Обединена Евролевица
Тадеуш Ивински, Полша, СОЦ
Роман Якич, Словения, Алианс на либерали и реформатори в Европа
Ференц Калмар, Унгария, ЕНП/ХД
Георги Канделаки, Грузия, ЕНП/ХД
Вацлав Кубата, Чешка Република, ЕНП/ХД
Жак Лежандър, Франция, ЕНП/ХД
Керстин Лундгрен, Швеция, Алианс на либерали и реформатори в Европа
Жоао Боско Мота Амарал, Португалия, ЕНП/ХД
Кармен Кинтанийя, Испания, ЕНП/ХД
Егидиус Варейкис, Литва, ЕНП/ХД
Лука Волонте, Италия, ЕНП/ХД
Пьотр Вах, Полша, ЕНП/ХД

Докладчикът Аркадио Диаз Техера, загуби мястото си в испанския парламент и докладът му в ПАСЕ по тази тема не беше завършен.

Поради събитията, които се разиграха в Европа от тогава насам, подходът беше променен. 

Инициативата на Джема Грозданова - Ръководител на българската делегация в ПАСЕ, за Декларация относно европейското единство и сътрудничество, подкрепена от Асамблеята с консенсус (!) на 27 ноември 2015г. на заседание в София, по време на българското председателство на Комитета на Министрите, предлага бъдещето на Европа да се дискутира на най-високото възможно ниво - на Четвърта среща в историята на Съвета на Европа -  на държавните глави  и ръководителине на правителствата на 47-те страни-членки.  

По този въпрос предстои голям дебат в ПАСЕ вероятно през 2017г. и гласуване на препоръка до външните министри на страните-членки

След това Комитетът на Министрите трябва да разгледа въпроса и да вземе решение  относно предложението за такъв форум, като информира за решението си ПАСЕ.

Свързани теми :


Европейски консенсус по българско предложение





на Парламентарната Асамблея на Съвета на Европа
Заседанието на Парламентарната Асамблея в София днес, препотвърди целта на отците - основатели на Съвета на Европа, които като следствие от ужасите на Втората Световна война, създадоха тази организация с предназначението да “постигне по-голямо единство между своите членове” за да се запазят и реализират “идеалите и принципите, които са тяхното общо наследство”. 
Както е посочено изрично в чл.3 от Статута на Организацията, нейните членове, трябва да сътрудничат искрено и ефективно за реализацията точно на тази цел.
Като чества 40-тата годишнина на Заключителния документ от Хелзинки, Асамблеята желае да подчертае важната роля, която изигра неговото подписване, довело до края на Студената война. 
Тя приема този документ като пример за това, какво е възможно да се постигне, когато страните съгласувано положат усилия да оставят настрана своите различия и да се стремят към разбирателство.
Асамблеята е искрено убедена, че многобройните политически предизвикателства, с които Европа се сблъсква днес, както вътрешни, така и извън нейните границите изискват общ отговор на базата на споделните принципи и ценности, диалог, доверие и солидарност.
В тези критични моменти, страните-членки на Съвета на Европа, трябва да се сплотят около това, което ги обединява, отколкото това, което ги разделя и да предотвратят издигането на нови стени и очертаването на разделителни линии.
За тази цел и признавайки ключовата роля, която Съветът на Европа може да играе защитавайки и подпомагайки демократичната сигурност, Асамблеята призовава за Среща на държавните глави и ръководителите на правителства, на която страните да препотвърдят на най-високо политическо ниво, своите ангажименти спрямо общите ценности и принципи на демокрацията, човешките права и върховенството на закона, защитавани от Организацията.

Приета от Постоянната Комисия на заседание в София, 27 ноември 2015г.  

Внесена от Джема Грозданова (България, ЕНП/ХД),Ръководител на българската делегация

В София : Конференция на Председателите на парламентарните Комисии по външна политика на страните-членки на Съвета на Европа


Важно е, че в този момент подарихме на Европа
"Съединението прави силата"

Лъчезар Тошев пред news.bg, интервю на Весела Веселинова

Written question
Sofia Declaration of 27 November 2015 adopted by the Standing Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly


Political Affairs Committee backs proposal for fourth Council of Europe Summit


The Political Affairs Committee today backed the proposal for a fourth Council of Europe Summit. 

On the basis of a memorandum prepared by Michele Nicoletti (Italy, SOC), it stressed that such a Summit should primarily aim at re-launching the Council of Europe's core mission: a pan-European organisation, offering a common legal space to 820 million Europeans and thus capable of promoting democratic security throughout the continent.

"We must make sure to avoid a paternalistic approach and treat all member States of the Organisation equally and in mutual respect, whether they are small or big, whether they are old member or have joined more recently. 

At the same time, it is important to focus on what unites us rather what divides us," Mr Nicoletti stressed.

The committee agreed that in a Europe which has profoundly changed since the last Summit, held in Warsaw in 2005, and when the whole world seems to be changing, a Summit would offer the unique opportunity to member States to reaffirm, at the highest political level, their commitment to the common values and principles of democracy, the rule of law and human rights, upheld by the Organisation, as enshrined in the European Convention on Human Rights.

Michele Nicoletti is due to present his report “Call for a Council of Europe Summit to defend and promote democratic security in Europe” at the PACE plenary session in October 2017.

Link to the Memorandum of the Rapporteur

Д-р Джема Грозданова - Ръководител на българската делегация в ПАСЕ инциира проект за Препоръка към Комитета на Министрите


Проект за препоръка

Внесен от Джема Грозданова ( България, ЕНП/ХД) и други членове на Асамблеята

Документ 14316
3 май 2017г.

                                                                                                                Неофициален превод!
Парламентарната Асамблея,

Вземайки предвид своята Софийска Декларация от 27 ноември 2015г. и подкрепата от видни европейски лидери за призива за свикване на Четвърта среща на Съвета на Европа на най-високо ниво ;
Препотвърждавайки своята позиция изразена в Препоръка 1567/2002 за парламентарен контрол върху международните институции, целяща да направи европейските институции по-отговорни, така че гражданите на Европа да ги възприемат като свои собствени представители;
Проследявайки с интерес дебатите за бъдещето на Европейския съюз инициирани от Президента на Европейската Комисия   и идеите на европейските лидери по същата тема;
Подчертавайки, че независимо от разликата в членството на Съвета на Европа и на Европейския съюз и двете организации са посветили своите дейности да защитават еднакви ценности и по-специално на изграждането на Обединена Европа на основата на демокрацията, правата на човека и върховенството на закона, като зона с граници между националните държави, но без разделителни линии;
Подчертавайки, че Съветът на Европа е уникален форум, където страните-членки на ЕС и европейските страни, които не членуват в ЕС са в диалог и сътрудничество основани на общи ценности и принципи;
Призовава Комитета на Министрите да организира заедно с ПАСЕ и с Европейския Парламент дискусия относно бъдещето на Европа и ролята на Съвета на Европа в рамките на Европейската политическа архитектура, която да се проведе преди Четвъртата среща на най-високо равнище.
Джема ГРОЗДАНОВА (ЕНП, България)

Теодора БАКОЯНИС (ЕНП, Гърция)

Моника БАРТОШ (ЕНП, Унгария)

Тобиас БИЛСТРЬОМ (ЕНП, Швеция)

Марко ГАТИ (ЕНП, Сан Марино)

Валериу ГИЛЕЧИ (ЕНП, Молдова)

Милена ДАМЯНОВА(ЕНП, България)

Валери ЖАБЛЯНОВ (Социалист, България)

Джейхан ИБРЯМОВ (АЛДЕ, България)

Даниел КИРИЛОВ (ЕНП, България)

Едуард КЬОК (ЕНП, Австрия)

Филипо ЛОМБАРДИ (ЕНП, Швейцария)

Жолт НЕМЕТ (ЕНП, Унгария)

Боряна ОБЕРГ (ЕНП, Швеция)

Джозеф ОРЕЙЛИ (ЕНП, Ирландия)

Лиляна ПАЛИХОВИЧИ (ЕНП, Молдова)

Жорди РОКА (ЕНП, Испания)

Адайо СИЛВА (ЕНП, Португалия)

Самвел ФАРМАНИАН (ЕНП, Армения)

Хамид ХАМИД (АЛДЕ, България)




Doc. 14316
03 May 2017

Tabled by Dzhema Grozdanova (Bulgaria, EPP /CD) and other members of the Assembly


The Parliamentary Assembly, 

Taking into account its Sofia Declaration of 27th of November 2015 and the support by eminent European Leaders for the call for the assembling the Fourth Council of Europe Summit;

Reaffirming its position expressed in Recommendation 1567/2002 for a parliamentary scrutiny of international institutions aimed to give greater accountability of European institutions, so that the citizens of Europe to acknowledge them as their own representatives;

Following with interest the debates for the Future of the European Union initiated by the President of the European Commission and the ideas of European leaders on the same topic;

Stressing that despite the different membership of the Council of Europe and EU, both

Organizations dedicated their activities to promote the same values and especially to establish a United Europe based on Democracy, Human Rights and Rule of Law, as an area with boundaries between nation states, but without dividing lines; 

Underlining that the Council of Europe is a unique forum where the EU member-states and non-EU European states are in dialogue and cooperation based on common values and principles;

Calls upon the Committee of Ministers to organize together with PACE and the European Parliament a discussion about the Future of Europe and the Role of the Council of Europe within the European Political Architecture, which is to take place before the Fourth Summit.


Dzhema GROZDANOVA (EPP/CD, Bulgaria)

Boriana ABERG (EPP/CD, Sweden)

Theodora BAKOYANNIS (EPP/CD,Greece)

Monika BARTOS (EPP/CD,Hungary)

Tobias BILLSTROEM (EPP/CD, Sweden)

Samvel FARMANYAN (EPP/CD, Armenia)

Marco GATTI (EPP/CD, San Marino)

Milena DAMYANOVA (EPP/CD, Bulgaria)

Valeriu GHILETCHI (EPP/CD,Moldova)

Dzheyhan IBRYAMOV (ALDE, Bulgaria)

Valeri JABLIANOV (SOC, Bulgaria)

Danail KIRILOV (EPP/CD, Bulgaria)

Eduard KOECK (EPP/CD, Austria)

Filippo LOMBARDI (EPP/CD, Suisse)

Hamid HAMID (ALDE, Bulgaria)

Zsolt NEMETH (EPP/CD,Hungary)

Joseph O’REILLY (EPP/CD, Ireland)

Liliana PALIHOVICI (EPP/CD, Moldova)

Jordi ROCA (EPP/CD, Spain)

Adao SILVA (EPP/CD, Portugal)

Линк към сайта на ПАСЕ, където документът е публикуван на 3 май 2017г.

Some reminiscences about the debates on the Reform of PACE in 2011, when the principle of equality between the members of the Assembly and between the member-states of the Council of Europe was successfully defended!

I am certain that nobody could oppose their nomination by those groups.
THE PRESIDENT – Thank you. The next speaker is Ms Guţu.
THE PRESIDENT We now come to Amendment 4, tabled by Mr Toshev, Mr Dimitrov, Mr Minchev, Ms Grozdanova, Mr Vareikis, Ms Pernaska, Mr Matušic, Ms Caparin and Mr Falzon, which is, in the draft resolution, after paragraph 5.4.2, to insert the following sub-paragraph:
 “to grant the committees of the Assembly, except the Committee on the Honouring of Obligations and Commitments by Member States and the Committee on Rules of Procedure, Immunities and Institutional Affairs, an annual ticket to organize a joint meeting with the relevant committees in the national parliaments of the member states.”
I call Mr Toshev to support Amendment 4.
Mr TOSHEV (Bulgaria) – The amendment speaks for itself. We are dealing with the same issues and such meetings would strengthen the position of the Assembly and those involved in the dialogue. With the involvement of national parliaments, we could achieve our goals.
THE PRESIDENT – We now come to Sub-Amendment 1 to Amendment 4, tabled by Mr Mignon, Mr Rochebloine, Mr Reiss, Ms Marland-Militello, Mr Rouquet, Mr Gardetto and Mr Marquet, which is, in Amendment 4, to replace the word “grant” with the following word: “invite” and, after the word “Affairs,”, to insert the following words: “to use”.
I call Mr Mignon to support Sub-Amendment 1.
Mr MIGNON (France) spoke in favour of Sub-Amendment 1, and said that in principle he agreed with Amendment 4 but he wished to change the word “grant” to “invite” and to insert “to use” after “affairs” to avoid any misunderstanding and to make completely clear the powers and privileges of each committee and to spell out clearly what each committee did.
THE PRESIDENT – Does anyone wish to speak against the sub-amendment? That is not the case.
What is the opinion of the mover of the amendment?
Mr TOSHEV (Bulgaria) – I am fully in favour.
THE PRESIDENT – What is the opinion of the committee?
Mr MIGNON (France) The committee is in favour.

I call Mr Toshev to support Amendment 5. You have 30 seconds.
Mr TOSHEV (Bulgaria)The amendment refers to the proposal to grant special new privileges to the Assembly’s biggest delegations. I oppose that proposal.
I was encouraged by the readiness of the rapporteur to co-operate with those who oppose him and who are trying to keep the spirit of equality in this Assembly. I would support his new proposal, which meets this point and takes our concern into consideration.
THE PRESIDENT – Does anyone wish to speak against the amendment? That is not the case.
What is the opinion of the committee on the amendment?
Mr MIGNON (France) said the ad hoc committee was against Amendment 32 but was offering an oral amendment which he hoped would deal with the concerns expressed in the original amendment
THE PRESIDENT – I am assuming that the committee is against, Mr Mignon?
Mr MIGNON (France) – Yes.
THE PRESIDENT – I shall now put the amendment to the vote.
The vote is open.
Amendment 5 is rejected.
I have received an oral amendment from Mr Mignon, on behalf of the Ad hoc Committee on Reform of the Parliamentary Assembly, which reads as follows:
“In paragraph 6.4.3 of the draft resolution, to replace the words ‘of the five largest national delegations (France, Germany, Italy, the Russian Federation and the United Kingdom)’ with the following words ‘to increase the number of members with a view to ensuring an equitable geographical representation of members. With this in mind each member state shall not have more than one member on this Committee’.”
If this oral amendment is agreed to, Amendment 32 falls.
I remind the Assembly of Rule 33.6, which enables the President to accept an oral amendment or sub-amendment on the grounds of promoting clarity, accuracy or conciliation and if there is not opposition from 10 or more members to it being debated.
In my opinion the oral amendment meets the criteria of Rule 33.6. Is there any opposition to the amendment being debated? That is not the case. I therefore call Mr Mignon to support Oral Amendment 1. You have 30 seconds.
Mr MIGNON (France) spoke on behalf of the ad hoc committee in support of Oral Amendment 1, saying that he thought this dealt with the concerns raised by Mr Toshev and his co-signatures as well as the other members who had supported Amendment 32. This oral amendment would ensure a more equitable geographic representation of members on the committee.
THE PRESIDENT – Does anyone wish to speak against the oral amendment? I call Mr Vareikis to speak. You have 30 seconds.
Mr VAREIKIS (Lithuania) – Maybe from one point of view, this looks like a good idea. On the other hand, we will have to invent a mechanism. How will we manage to keep to the geography and to the rules? The members of the Rules Committee are appointed by the political groups, so this probably needs more clarification. For the time being, it might be better not to have it.
THE PRESIDENT – The committee is obviously in favour, Mr Mignon?
Mr MIGNON (France) – Yes.
THE PRESIDENT – I shall now put the oral amendment to the vote.
The vote is open.
Oral Amendment 1 is agreed to and therefore Amendment 32 falls.

Rapporteur on a Fourth Council of Europe Summit held bilateral meeting with Ms Mogherini

"Prior to an exchange of views with the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission, discussed with Michele Nicoletti (Italy, SOC), who  is currently preparing a report on a fourth Council of Europe Summit for the Political Affairs Committee.
"A fourth Summit should primarily aim at re-launching the Council of Europe's core mission as a pan-European organisation, offering a common legal space to 820 million Europeans and thus capable of promoting democratic security throughout the continent" said Mr Nicoletti stressing that relations between the EU and the Council of Europe would of course be addressed in this context.
Michele Nicoletti is due to present his report “Call for a Council of Europe Summit to defend and promote democratic security in Europe” at the PACE plenary session in October 2017 in Strasbourg.

Le rapporteur sur un quatrième sommet du Conseil de l’Europe rencontre Mme Mogherini

"Avant son échange de vues avec le Comité des Ministres du Conseil de l'Europe, Federica Mogherini, Haute représentante de l'Union européenne pour les affaires étrangères et la politique de sécurité et Vice-présidente de la Commission européenne, s'est entretenue avec Michele Nicoletti (Italie, SOC), qui prépare actuellement un rapport pour la Commission des questions politiques sur un quatrième Sommet du Conseil de l'Europe.

« Un quatrième sommet devrait principalement viser à relancer la mission principale du Conseil de l'Europe en tant qu'Organisation paneuropéenne, offrant un espace juridique commun à 820 millions d'Européens et donc capable de promouvoir la sécurité démocratique sur l'ensemble du continent », a dit M. Nicoletti en soulignant que les relations entre l'UE et le Conseil de l'Europe seraient évidemment abordées dans ce contexte.
Michele Nicoletti présentera son rapport « Appel à un sommet du Conseil de l'Europe pour défendre et promouvoir la sécurité démocratique en Europe » lors de la session plénière de l'APCE en octobre 2017 à Strasbourg.

Приетите документи :

Приетата Резолюция 2186/2017 на ПАСЕ :

Resolution 2186 (2017) Provisional version

Call for a Council of Europe Summit to reaffirm European unity and to defend and promote democratic security in Europe

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly
Origin - Assembly debate on 11 October 2017 (33rd Sitting) (see Doc. 14396, report of the Committee on Political Affairs and Democracy, rapporteur: Mr Michele Nicoletti). Text adopted by the Assembly on 11 October 2017 (33rd Sitting).See also Recommendation 2113 (2017).

1. The Parliamentary Assembly is concerned that, at present, momentous political challenges, both within and outside Europe’s borders, are threatening the continent and its unity: the daily risk of terrorist attacks, the rise of Euroscepticism, nationalism, populism and xenophobia, the persistence of frozen and open conflicts, the annexation or occupation of a neighbour’s territories, the prolongation of state of emergency measures and the re-emergence of divisions. Wars at the doors of Europe threaten the security of the continent and have caused massive refugee and migratory flows.
2. The efficiency and authority of the unique human rights protection system, based on the European Convention on Human Rights (ETS No. 5), are threatened by various attempts to undermine the authority of the European Court of Human Rights, by the lack of political will on the part of certain States Parties to implement its judgments, despite their legally binding force, or by delays in their implementation.
3. Recent developments within the European Union, including ongoing infringement and rule of law procedures against some of its member States, the lack of solidarity in the handling of the refugee and migratory crisis, as well as the decision by the United Kingdom to leave the European Union, also present challenges for the Council of Europe, as it offers a unique forum of co-operation between European States which are members of the European Union and those which are not.
4. Against this background, the Assembly believes that the Council of Europe and the values it upholds are today more necessary than ever: at the origin of the European construction, bringing together almost all the European States on the basis of common values and principles and thus natural guardian of “unity within diversity”, offering a common legal space to 835 million Europeans, guaranteeing protection of their human rights, promoting social rights and democracy and contributing to the development of a European civil society, the Council of Europe is today best placed to help meet the challenges raised by growing nationalism and avoid the building of new walls.
5. Alongside the European Union, whose far-reaching integration project will never cover the whole continent, and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), which also covers non-European States, the Council of Europe, composed of 47 European States, remains the only pan-European organisation capable of promoting and guaranteeing democratic security throughout the continent.
6. In order to preserve and further strengthen this unique pan-European project, currently threatened by divisions and a weakening of member States’ commitment, the Assembly calls for a Fourth Summit of Heads of State and Government of Council of Europe member States.
7. In a Europe which has profoundly changed since the last Summit, held in Warsaw in 2005, and at a time when the whole world seems to be changing, a Summit will offer member States a unique opportunity to reaffirm, in the strongest possible terms and at the highest political level, their commitment to the ideal of European unity and the values and principles of democracy, human rights and the rule of law upheld by the Council of Europe. Member States should clearly express their willingness to continue to be part of a single community, sharing common values, a common legal order and a common jurisdiction, and capable of capitalising on internal differences.
8. The Fourth Summit should be well-focused and could, inter alia, offer political impetus to:
8.1. enhance the efficiency and authority of the human rights protection system, based on the European Convention on Human Rights, reverse current tendencies undermining the authority of the European Court of Human Rights and improve the record of implementation of its judgments by member States;
8.2. strengthen the treaty system of the European Social Charter, including its collective complaint system and its monitoring machinery (in particular regarding the election of the members of the European Committee of Social Rights by the Assembly), reaffirming the fact that only the enjoyment of socio-economic rights and social inclusion allow people to fully enjoy their political and civil rights;
8.3. encourage member States to adopt effective measures against growing poverty and modern slavery thus reassuring European citizens that the European institutions are not indifferent to their problems and the concrete conditions of their everyday life;
8.4. recognise the valuable contribution of the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights to the development of sustainable human rights-centred policies at national and local level throughout the continent, as well as the role played by the Organisation’s standard-setting and monitoring bodies;
8.5. enhance the Council of Europe’s mission both as guardian and innovator of democracy, including by strengthening the role of the Parliamentary Assembly as a strong pillar of European parliamentarism, bringing together representatives of the citizens from almost all European States, and consolidating the role of the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission) as a constitutional law expert body promoting democracy within and outside Europe’s borders.
9. The Summit should also aim at consolidating citizens’ trust in democratic institutions and democratic values and propose ways to increase citizens’ participation and consultation with civil society in search of common solutions to common problems. It could thus bring the Organisation closer to the people it serves and contribute to the emergence of a European civil society.
10. At a time when the European Union is facing numerous challenges and is also reflecting on the future of Europe, the Summit would offer a fresh and timely opportunity to define, at the highest political level, the role to be played by the Council of Europe in the overall European political architecture. In a Europe of concentric circles, the Heads of State and Government from the 47 member States of the Council of Europe, representing the widest circle, should ensure coherence of standards between the Council of Europe and the European Union, avoid overlapping and best harmonise the various levels of their co-operation, in the foremost interest of European citizens. For this purpose, the Assembly asks the Heads of State and Government of Council of Europe member States to discuss again the 2006 report “A sole ambition for Europe” and to decide a specific timetable to implement the proposals contained therein in order to remove any overlap between the Council of Europe and the European Union.
11. The Assembly notes that an efficient preparation of the Summit requires the development of synergies between all sectors of the Organisation, co-ordinated by its Secretary General, and more significantly between its two statutory organs. Although the primary responsibility lies with the Committee of Ministers, the Assembly, enhanced by recent reforms, should expect to play an important role in the preparation of the Summit, especially as it has been promoting this idea for several years.
12. In this respect, there is currently an inconsistency in the composition of the two statutory organs: following the illegal annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation and the application, on these grounds, by the Assembly of sanctions to the Russian parliamentary delegation, for three consecutive years one of the Council of Europe member States, the Russian Federation, has participated in the activities and been represented in the bodies of only one of the two statutory organs of the Organisation, namely the Committee of Ministers, but not of the Assembly. The Assembly regrets that, as a reaction to this situation, the Russian Federation announced, on 30 June 2017, its decision to suspend payment of its contribution to the budget of the Council of Europe for 2017 until full and unconditional restoration of the credentials of the delegation of its Federal Assembly in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.
13. The Assembly considers that the overall situation in the Organisation is today counterproductive, particularly as it adversely affects its overall impact as a guardian of human rights and democracy throughout the continent, and therefore it is not in the interest of the citizens of the 47 member States.
14. The Assembly notes that the Statute of the Council of Europe (ETS No. 1), as supplemented by Statutory Resolution (51) 30, provides for synergy between the two statutory organs as regards membership of the Organisation.
15. However, over the years, and in particular after the Organisation’s enlargement during the 90s, the Assembly has developed rules governing the participation and representation rights of members of national delegations in its own activities and bodies which do not provide for any kind of synergy or coherence with the Committee of Ministers.
16. Therefore the Assembly, as part of the preparatory work for the Summit, resolves to initiate a procedure aimed at harmonising, jointly with the Committee of Ministers, the rules governing participation and representation of member States in both statutory organs, while fully respecting the latters’ autonomy. This coherence should strengthen the sense of being part of a community and the obligations incumbent upon every member State.
17. This common reflection could be carried out jointly by the Assembly and the Committee of Ministers within an ad hoc working group set up by the Joint Committee. For this process to be credible and fruitful, the whole Assembly and every single member State should do their utmost to ensure that all member States of the Organisation will be fully represented in the process on both the parliamentary and intergovernmental sides in strict compliance with their respective obligations.

18. In the meantime, and as part of the preparatory work for the Summit, the Assembly resolves to continue its own reflection on its identity, role and mission as a statutory organ of the Council of Europe and a pan-European forum for inter-parliamentary dialogue which aims at having an impact in all Council of Europe member States. This reflection would also enable the Assembly to provide its own vision of the future of the Organisation.

Приетата Препоръка 2113/ 2017 на ПАСЕ към Комитета на Министрите :

Recommendation 2113 (2017) Provisional version

Call for a Council of Europe Summit to reaffirm European unity and to defend and promote democratic security in Europe

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly
Origin - Assembly debate on 11 October 2017 (33rd Sitting) (see Doc. 14396, report of the Committee on Political Affairs and Democracy, rapporteur: Mr Michele Nicoletti). Text adopted by the Assembly on 11 October 2017 (33rd Sitting).

1. The Parliamentary Assembly refers to its Resolution 2186 (2017) on the call for a Council of Europe Summit to reaffirm European unity and to defend and promote democratic security in Europe, in which it expresses its concern about the numerous challenges currently threatening the European continent and its unity. Against this background, and for the reasons given in its resolution, the Assembly believes that the Council of Europe, and the values it upholds, is today more necessary than ever.
2. In order to preserve and further strengthen the pan-European project in a Europe which has profoundly changed since the last Summit held in Warsaw 12 years ago, the Assembly calls on the Committee of Ministers to convene a Fourth Summit of Heads of State and Government of Council of Europe member States. This will offer a unique opportunity for member States to reaffirm, in the strongest possible terms and at the highest political level, their commitment to the ideal of European unity and the common values and principles of democracy, human rights, and the rule of law upheld by the Organisation.
3. The Assembly recommends that the Fourth Summit be well-focused and provide political impetus for a number of specific actions suggested in a non-exhaustive manner in its resolution. It should also offer a fresh and timely opportunity to define, at the highest political level, the role to be played by the Council of Europe in the overall European political architecture and address outstanding challenges in its relations with the European Union, in the light, inter alia, of the 2006 report “A sole ambition for Europe”, in the interest of European citizens.
4. Although the primary responsibility for the organisation of a Summit lies with the Committee of Ministers, the Assembly underlines that an efficient preparation of the Summit requires the development of synergies between all sectors of the Organisation, co-ordinated by its Secretary General, and more significantly between its two statutory organs. The Assembly therefore asks the Committee of Ministers to:
4.1. closely associate the Assembly in the preparation of the draft agenda and draft declaration of the Fourth Summit;
4.2. consider its proposal, as part of the preparatory work for the Summit and for the reasons and according to the modalities described in its resolution, to engage in a procedure aimed at harmonising jointly the rules governing participation, representation and responsibilities of member States in both statutory organs, while fully respecting the latters’ autonomy.

Линк към пълната стенограма от дебатите: 


Video record(s) of the debates :

In original language 
In English :




25-29 ЮНИ 2018г.

 Под предложението са се подписали  30 депутати от 15 евроепйски държави, вкл. български депутати - членове на делегацията  - както от управляващото мнозинство, така и от опозицията.

Док. 14588
26 юни 2018г.

Предложение за препоръка
Внесено от Джема Грозданова (Група на ЕНП, България) и други членове на Асамблеята


Вземайки предвид необходимостта от  укрепване на многостранните средства за ефективен отговор и своевременна реакция на тежките проблеми пред човечеството като промяната на климата, миграционните вълни, влошаването на морската околна среда, икономическите сътресения предизвикани от повишаването на световната цена на петрола и на лихвените проценти, разпространяването на фалшиви новини, нарушаването на международното право, създаването на паралелни общества и паралелни системи на доверие,
Подчертавайки, че подобни проблеми не могат да бъдат решени чрез едностранно или двустранно предприемани мерки,
Признавайки, че настоящите многостранни договори целящи да отговорят на тези проблеми, могат да доведат до резултати бавно и недостатъчно ефективно,
Препотвърждавайки позицията изразена в своята Резолюция 1289/2002 за парламентарния контрол над международните организации и по-специално призивът за реформа на Световната Търговска Организация, както и за предприемане  на стъпки за по-голяма отговорност на националните и международните организации и за възвръщане на общественото доверие и подкрепа за предлаганите реформи,
Приветствайки позицията по този въпрос изразена от Форума за 2018г. на Организацията за Икономическо Сътрудничество и Развитие (OECD) , а също и на срещата на Г7,
Изразявайки удовлетворението си по отношение на парламентарния контрол и сътрудничество между Асамблеята и Организацията за Икономическо Сътрудничество и Развитие (OECD), продължаващо от 1962г. досега като механизъм за дискутиране на такива важни въпроси ,чрез парламентарно включване,
Призовава Комитета на Министрите,
Да инициира, след съвместни консултации с Организацията за Икономическо Сътрудничество и Развитие (OECD) подходящи мерки целящи засилване на системата на мултилатерализма, годни да постигат незабавни и ефективни отговори на глобалните проблеми.
Да включи такава точка в дневния ред на Четвъртата среща на Държавните глави и Ръководителите на правителства на страните членки на Съвета на Европа и да държи редовно Асамблеята информирана за напредъка на консултациите по тази тема, като взема предвид нейната позиция когато се дискутират свързани с това въпроси.

Подписали :

Джема Грозданова, ЕНП, България
Боряна Оберг, ЕНП/ХД, Швеция

Николай Александров, ЕК, България

Моника Бартош, ЕНП/ХД, Унгария

Оливие Бешт, АЛДЕ, Франция

Красимир Богданов, ЕНП/ХД, България

Паоло Корсини, СОЦ, Италия

Милена Дамянова, ЕНП/ХД, България

Лорд Александър, Ърл на Дънди, ЕК, Обединено Кралство

Валериу Гилечи, ЕНП/ХД, Молдова

Анджей Халицки, ЕНП/ХД, Полша

Хамид Хамид, АЛДЕ, България

Андрес Херкел, ЕНП/ХД, Естония

Джейхан Ибрямов, АЛДЕ, България
Валери Жаблянов, СОЦ, България
Хайналка Юхас, ЕНП/ХД, Унгария
Гиорги Канделаки, ЕНП/ХД, Грузия
Данаил Кирилов, ЕНП/ХД, България

Франтишек Коприва, АЛДЕ, Чехия

Ронан Мълен, ЕНП/ХД, Ирландия
Жолт Немет, ЕНП/ХД, Унгария

Александър Почи, ЕНП/ХД, Полша
Михаел Свенсон, ЕНП/ХД, Швеция
Еджидиус Варейкис, ЕНП/ХД, Литва
Милтиадис Варвициотис, ЕНП/ХД, Гърция
Петър Витанов, СОЦ, България
Сергий Власенко, ЕНП/ХД, Украйна
Леонид Емец, ЕНП/ХД, Украйна
Емануелис Зингерис, ЕНП/ХД, Литва

EНП/ХД: Група на Европейската Народна Партия – Християндемократи
СОЦ : Група на социалистите, демократите и зелените
АЛДЕ : Алианс на либералите и демократите за Европа
ЕК : Група на Европейските консерватори

NB. При обнародването на документа от службата на Съвета на Европа (Table office) са нанесени малки редакции за да придобие стантартната форма на документ на ПАСЕ.

Motion for a recommendation

Reshaping the foundations of multilateralism

Reshaping the Foundations of Multilateralism

Motion for Recommendation

Tabled by Dzhema Grozdanova and other members of the Assembly

 The Assembly,

Taking into account the need for reinforcement of multilateral means for efficient response and prompt reaction to severe problems before the mankind, such as climate change, migration waves, marine environment deterioration, economic turbulences caused by the increase of world oil prices and interest rates, the spread fake news, disrespect for international law, formation of parallel societies and parallel systems of trust,

Pointing out that such problems cannot be solved through unilateral or bi-laterally taken measures,

Recognizing that the current multilateral agreements aimed to address such problems, are able to produce results rather slowly and not efficient enough,
Reaffirming the position expressed in its Resolution 1289/2002 on parliamentary scrutiny of international institutions and especially the call for reform of the World Trade Organization, as well as to take steps for greater accountability of the national and international institutions, and to regain public trust and support for the suggested reforms,
Commending the position in this respect expressed by the OECD Forum 2018 and the OECD Ministerial Council, as well as the G7 meeting,

Expressing satisfaction with regard to parliamentary scrutiny and cooperation between the Assembly and the OECD, lasting since 1962 as a mechanism to discuss such important issues with parliamentary involvement,
Call Upon the Committee of Ministers,
To initiate, after joint consultations with the OECD, the appropriate measures aimed to strengthen the system of multilateralism, able to achieve prompt and efficient response to global problems.
To include such item in the Agenda of the Fourth Council of Europe’s Summit, to keep the Assembly regularly informed about the progress of the consultations on this theme, and to take into account its position when discussing pertinent issues.


Dzhema Grozdanova, EPP/CD Group, Bulgaria

Boriana Aberg, EPP/CD Group, Sweden

Nikolay Alexandrov, EC, Bulgaria

Monika Bartos, EPP/CD Group, Hungary

Olivier Becht, ALDE, France

Krasimir Bogdanov, EC, Bulgaria

Paolo Corsini, SOC, Italy
Milena Damyanova, EPP/CD Group, Bulgaria

Alexander (The Earl of) Dundee, EC, UK
Valeriu Ghiletchi, EPP/CD Group, Moldova
Andrzej Halicki, EPP/CD Group, Poland

Hamid Hamid, ALDE, Bulgaria
Andres Herkel, EPP/CD Group, Estonia 
Dzheyhan Ibryamov, ALDE. Bulgaria
Valeri Jablianov, SOC, Bulgaria
Hajnalka Juhasz, EPP/CD Group, Hungary
Giorgi Kandelaki, EPP/CD Group, Georgia
Danail Kirilov, EPP/CD Group, Bulgaria

Frantisek Kopriva, ALDE, Czech Republic
Ronan Mullen, EPP/CD Group, Ireland
Zsolt Nemeth, EPP/CD, Hungary

Aleksander Pociej, EPP/CD, Poland
Michael Svensson, EPP/CD Group, Sweden
Egidijus Vareikis, EPP/CD Group, Lithuania
Miltiadis Varvitsiotis, EPP/CD Group, Greece
Petar Vitanov, SOC, Bulgaria
Sergiy Vlasenko, EPP/CD Group, Ukraine
Leonid Yemets, EPP/CD Group, Ukraine
Emanuelis Zingeris, EPP/CD Group, Lithuania

ALDE: Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
EC: European Conservatives Group
EPP/CD: Group of the European People's Party/Christian democrats
SOC: Socialists, Democrats and Greens Group
UEL: Group of the Unified European Left
NR: Representatives not belonging to a Political Group

Proposition de recommandation

Repenser les fondements du multilatéralisme

Отзвук :

27 юни 2018г.

 (Third part)
Twenty-third sitting
Wednesday 27 June at 10 a.m.

2. Address by Mr Peter Pellegrini, Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic
Effective multilateralism has been much debated lately – alas, from both an enthusiastic and a sceptical point of view. Promoting effective multilateralism is one of the main pillars of Slovakia’s foreign policy. We apply all aspects of it to the Council of Europe. But let me point out one aspect of effective multilateralism which is so simple that it is often forgotten. The Council of Europe is a type of international organisation that cannot be equally useful for all of its members at the same time. Sometimes a particular State needs it more, and sometimes less. Put differently, the Council of Europe can sometimes offer the State more, and sometimes less. 
Ефективният мултилатерализъм се дебатира напоследък -уви, както от ентусиазирана, така и от скептична гледна точка. Да подпомагаме ефективния мултилатерализъм е един от основните стълбове на външната политика на Словакия. Ние включваме всичките и аспекти спрямо Съвета на Европа. 
Но разрешете ми да посоча един от аспектите на ефективния мултилатерализъм, който е толкова прост, че често се забравя. 
Съветът на Европа е такъв тип международна  организация, която не може да бъде използвана по еднакъв начин и едновременно от своите страни-членки. Понякога една отделна страна има по-голяма нужда, а понякога по-малка. Казано по друг начин Съветът на Европа може понякога да предлага повече, а понякога по-малко.
28 юни 2018г.

(Third part)
Twenty-fifth sitting
Wednesday 28 June at 10.30 a.m.
2. Address by Mr Jean Asselborn, Minister for Foreign and European Affairs of Luxembourg
Effective multilateralism has to be more than just a slogan; it is a vital prerequisite to preserving peace on our continent. Ensuring the survival of this institution means respecting effective multilateralism, which involves rights – in particular, the right to participate in the elections to key posts of the Organisation – and collective duties. Paying your subscription, respecting and implementing the judgments of the Court, and co-o-operating in good faith with the bodies of the Council of Europe are a part of those duties. Effective multilateralism implies that every international organisation should respect its mandate and its Statute.
Ефективният мултилатерализъм трябва да е нещо повече от един девиз. Той е жизненоважно условие за запазване на мира на нашия континент. Да запазим съществуването на тази организация означава да зачитаме ефективния мултилатерализъм,  който включва права – в т.ч. правото да се участва в избора на висши длъжности  в Организацията – и колективни задължения. Да се плаща членския внос, да се зачитат и прилагат решенията на Съда и да се сътрудничи добронамерено с органите на Съвета на Европа - са част от тези задължения. Ефективният мултилатерализъм означаваа, че всяка междунарродна организация трябва да зачита своя мандат и своя статут.