
12 март 2014

Решението на Комитета на Министрите на Съвета на Европа за ситуацията в Украйна

1192bis meeting – 26 February 2014
Item 1.2

Situation in Ukraine
(CM/Del/Dec(2014)1192/1.3, DD(2014)218, DD(2014)221 and DD(2014)268)


The Deputies

1. expressed their solidarity with Ukraine and its people and underlined the importance of maintaining the efforts towards a political solution in the country within a democratic context;
2. recalled their governments’ commitment to the respect for international law, for the United Nations’ Charter and for the Statute of the Council of Europe, and in particular to the peaceful settlement of disputes and the full respect of the territorial integrity, unity and independence of Ukraine;
3. underlined that the reforms undertaken in Ukraine should be conducted in an all-inclusive manner, fully respect the principle of the rule of law and comply with the country’s commitments to the Council of Europe, the European Convention on Human Rights and the other Council of Europe conventions to which Ukraine is party, in particular the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities and the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages;
4. called on all sides concerned to ensure that the International Advisory Panel as proposed by the Secretary General be enabled to begin its work on the basis of a mandate reflecting the current situation;
5. invited Ukraine to draw on the Council of Europe’s expertise when preparing the important reforms to come, starting with the revision of the Constitution and of the electoral legislation;
6. requested the Secretary General to revise, as appropriate, the Action Plan with Ukraine and to reinforce the Council of Europe presence in Kyiv in order to provide the necessary assistance during this transition period.