Два проекта за резолюции на ПАСЕ са инициирани от депутати в
Асамблеята и предстои да бъдат внесени още тази седмица.
Роберт Уолтър |
И двата проекта предвиждат санкции срещу делегацията на Руската Федерация в Асамблеята заради инвазията на Русия в Украйна и анексирането на Крим.
ПАСЕ и ПА на ОССЕ са единствените европейски институции в които Русия до сега участваше като пълноправен член.
В проекта иницииран от консерваторите, който много вероятно е да бъде подкрепен и от групата на ЕНП в ПАСЕ, се предлага отнемане на ратифицираните от Асамблеята пълномощия на руската делегация.
В проекта иницииран от либералите се предвижда отнемане на правото на глас на руските депутати в ПАСЕ.
Проектите ще се гласуват по време на априлската сесия на ПАСЕ в Страсбург.
Ако санкциите бъдат приети от Асамблеята, Русия повече няма да може да влияе на вземането на решения в Обединена Европа.
Текстовете на двата проекта, в момента все още са отворени за подписване от членовете на ПАСЕ:
Motion for
The Parliamentary Assembly condemns
without reservation the violation of the territorial integrity and
sovereignty of Ukraine by the armed forces of the Russian Federation
in early March 2014 and expresses its gravest concern that members of
the upper House of the Russian Parliament unanimously authorised such
action in advance.
The Assembly believes that there has
been a serious violation of the basic principles of the Council of
Europe mentioned in Article 3 of, and the preamble to, the Statute.
The Assembly must therefore
reconsider at the earliest opportunity, on the basis of Rule 9.1.a of
the Rules of Procedure of the Assembly, the ratified credentials of
the Russian delegation on substantive grounds.
of the voting rights of the Russian delegation (Rule 9 of the Rules
Procedure of the
for a resolution
by Mr Michael Aastrup Jensen, ALDE, Denmark
undersigned members of the Parliamentary Assembly, holding firmly to
the founding
ideals and principles of the Council of Europe as well
as to the binding procedures set up
by the Assembly to achieve a greater unity between its member states for the purpose of
safeguarding and realising these ideals and principles, are seriously
concerned about the
persistent failure by the Russian Federation to
honour its obligations and commitments.
conflict in Ukraine fully demonstrates the relevance of ever more
extensive European
construction, it is for the Council of Europe, a
key player in that construction, to adopt a
stance in line with its
principles and values.
actions of Russian military forces in the Crimea peninsula, as well
as explicit threats
of military actions in the rest of Ukraine’s
territory, are in direct violation of international
law, including
the UN Charter, the OSCE Helsinki Final Act, the Statute of the
Council of
Europe, as well as Russia’s accession commitments.
the use of armed forces on the territory of Ukraine was authorized by
Federation Council of Russia on 1 March 2014.
of the potential consequences of such situation for the stability and
peace in
Europe, we call for a firmer response against a policy based
on show of force and
risk of uncontrolled chain reactions and fears of the existence of a
strategy than the one operated in Ukraine and
especially in Crimea are a grave threat to
international security.
2000 the voting rights of the Russian delegation was suspended due to
the Russian
military activities in Chechnya.
This time Russian
military has violated the territorial integrity of Ukraine, and this
have immediate consequences.
Both actions which cannot be
accepted and they are in direct contradiction with the ideas
values of the Council of Europe.
the light of the above, the undersigned demand the Assembly to – on
the basis of
Rule 9.1.a. of the Rules of Procedure of the
Assembly - suspend the voting rights of the
Russian delegation.
Текстът на Чл. 9 от Правилника на ПАСЕ, по който могат да се
наложат санкциите :
Rule 9 - Reconsideration of previously ratified credentials on
substantive grounds
9.1. The
Assembly may reconsider ratified credentials of a national
as a whole in the course of the same ordinary session either:
9.1.b. on the basis of
a report by the Monitoring Committee containing a
text which recommends
that the credentials be reconsidered
9.2. A motion
for a resolution to annul ratification shall be tabled by at
fifty representatives or substitutes, belonging to at least two
political groups and five national delegations, and be distributed
at least
two weeks before the opening of a part-session or a
meeting of the
Standing Committee.
The list of signatories may not include more
members of a delegation
than the number of seats held by that delegation
in the Assembly.
The motion for a resolution shall state the reasons
for it.
Once tabled, a motion cannot be withdrawn by its authors
and no
signature may be withdrawn or added to it.
It shall be referred
to the appropriate committee for report and to the
Committee on
Rules of Procedure, Immunities and Institutional Affairs
for opinion.
It may be referred, if necessary, to other committees for opinion.
The committee shall report within twenty-four hours if possible
and the
Assembly shall consider it as soon as possible.
These deadlines
do not apply to the Standing Committee
9.3. The
Monitoring Committee may, in a report foreseen on the agenda
the Assembly or on the agenda of the Standing Committee, call into
question the credentials of a national delegation.
Such a report
shall, before being discussed by the Assembly or the
Standing Committee,
be referred to the Committee on Rules of
Procedure, Immunities and
Institutional Affairs for opinion.
9.4. Reports
submitted to the Assembly or the Standing Committee under
2 and 3 shall contain a draft resolution proposing in its
9.4.a. confirmation of
the ratification of the credentials,
9.4.b. annulment of the
ratification of the credentials
9.4.c. confirmation of
the ratification of the credentials together with
depriving or suspending
the exercise of some of the rights of
participation or representation
of members of the delegation concerned
in the activities of the
Assembly and its bodies.
to the operative part of the draft resolution
may propose only one of the
three options above.
9.5. Members
of the delegation concerned shall not vote in any
proceedings related
to the reconsideration of the credentials which
concern them.