29 април 2022



 Докладчикът на предложението Александър Почи, Председател на Групата на Европейската Народна Партия в ПАСЕ - на първия ред, с очилата.


На 22 април 2022г. Парламентарната Асамблея на Съвета на Европа (ПАСЕ) единодушно гласува предложение за създаване на Ад-хок  Международен наказателен съд, за наказване на престъплението на агресия срещу Украйна извършено от политически лидери и вонни командири.

Въздържал се е само един депутат. Двама български депутати са подкрепили решението.


От страницата на ПАСЕ :


PACE calls for the setting up of an ad hoc international criminal tribunal to hold to account perpetrators of the crime of aggression against Ukraine



Resolution 2436 (2022): The Russian Federation’s aggression against Ukraine: ensuring accountability for serious violations of international humanitarian law and other international crimes


115 in favor, 0 against,  1 abstention

От България са подкрепили:

Станислав Анастасов, ДПС

Екатерина Димитрушева, ПП



Recommendation  2231 (2022): The Russian Federation’s aggression against Ukraine: ensuring accountability for serious violations of international humanitarian law and other international crimes


116 in favor, 0 against,  1 abstention


От България са подкрепили :

Станислав Анастасов, ДПС

Екатерина Димитрушева, ПП


 Recommendation  2231 (2022)


Parliamentary Assembly


Assembly debate on 28 April 2022 (15th sitting) (see Doc. 15510, report of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights, rapporteur: Mr Aleksander Pociej). Text adopted by the Assembly on 28 April 2022 (15th sitting).

1. The Parliamentary Assembly refers to its Resolution 2436 (2022), stressing the need to ensure accountability for war crimes, crimes against humanity and possible genocide as well as the crime of aggression in connection with the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine.

2. The Assembly invites the Committee of Ministers to:

2.1 strengthen the competent services of the Council of Europe in order to enable them to provide technical assistance and advice to Ukraine and those member States exercising their universal jurisdiction with investigating and documenting gross human rights violations, including those amounting to war crimes, crimes against humanity and possible genocide, on the scale required;

2.2 invite the expert bodies of the Council of Europe, notably the Consultative Council of European Judges and the Consultative Council of European Prosecutors, the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice and the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission), and other monitoring and standard-setting mechanisms of the Council of Europe concerned, to produce expert recommendations and guidelines relating to these issues within the ambit of their competence;

2.3 encourage all member States to participate in setting up an ad hoc international criminal tribunal to prosecute the crime of aggression allegedly committed by the political leaders and military commanders of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, by way of a multilateral treaty between like-minded States;

2.4 examine ways and means for the Council of Europe as a whole to play an active role in setting-up and operating such a tribunal, including by providing logistical or other technical assistance.